Protected Membrane Roofing: Blue Roofs
Blue Roof Assembly Options
PMR Assembly Blue Roof
A Blue Roof can be created on a typical Hydrotech PMR (Protected Membrane Roof Assembly) utilizing standard loose stone for ballast. It is the simplest blue roof that can be created.
Using standard ballast stone, the water in the blue roof is stored within the void spaces of the stone and to the required level above the ballast. A heavier than typical application of stone ballast is designed to keep the loose-laid Styrofoam™ insulation from floating during those rain events when the blue roof is in operation.
A Hydrotech PMR Blue Roof is ideal for those utilitarian roofs that are not designed for tenant use.
Ultimate Assembly Blue Roof
Void spaces that exist beneath concrete pavers in Hydrotech’s Ultimate Assembly can now be used to store large quantities of stormwater. Pavers are installed on pedestals in a normal fashion but at an elevated height to generate the needed water storage volume. The paver weight is designed to keep the loose-laid Styrofoam™ insulation from floating during those rain events when the blue roof is in operation. As a result, heavier, thicker pavers are typically required.
A rooftop terrace would be an ideal application for this blue roof assembly. Because the pedestals supporting the pavers are adjustable, this blue roof assembly may be ideal for roof decks with some roof slope where the goal is to create a level, paved finished surface. Click here for more information.
Garden Roof® Assembly Blue Roof
Elevating Hydrotech’s Garden Roof Assembly by placing it on Permavoid®, a structural void component (available exclusively through Hydrotech) integrates the many advantages of a vegetated roof with the high water detention capabilities of a blue roof. Permavoid® provides a stable platform with an open space of 95% within the unit. The structural nature of Permavoid® is created by plastic tubes between the webbed top and bottom panels. This creates a platform onto which any number of Garden Roof® and Ultimate Assembly® components can be installed. Click here for more information.